Senegal River Projects

The volume of projects from our institutional partners allows us to glimpse the immense potential of the River Valley. Private partners are an integral part of the success of these projects. La Fian offers meetings and panels for better sharing of information.

The Organization for the Development of the Senegal River has developed a regional infrastructure program comprising several projects.

OMVS projects:

In 1965 the State of Senegal created the Société d’Aménagement et d’Exploitation des Terres du Delta du Fleuve Sénégal (SAED) with the status of a public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature. By Law No. 79 – 29 of January 24, 1979, SAED saw its field of intervention extend over the entire Left Bank of the Senegal River as well as to the Falémé Valley. The SAED will change its status thereafter and will become a National Company from December 1, 1981 according to Law No. 81-57 of June 29, 1981.

SAED projects:

  • PARIIS: Duration: 2018-2024 -Regional Support Project for the Irrigation Initiative in the Sahel.
  • DELTA: Duration: 2020-2025 – Local Economic Development and Agro-ecological Transition Project.
  • JICA: Duration: 2020-2028 – Senegal River Valley Irrigated Rice Production Project


The Office of Lakes and Watercourses (OLAC) is a public industrial and commercial establishment responsible for the management of lakes and watercourses in Senegal. OLAC is created by law n° 2017-07 of April 05, 2017.

OLAC projects:


The private sector is constantly growing and this is leading to a revolution in: Town halls, among producers for the local market (rice, sugar, peanuts, millet, onions, vegetables). Some EIGs exploit 4,000 hectares for the local market and a few dozen for export (okra, melons, watermelons, etc.) for exporters to northern countries. (corn, bananas, cherry tomatoes, peppers, melons, mangoes, peppers, butternut, etc. in agro-industry, maritime and road transport.

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